Conventional mobile Systems | Cellular mobile system |
Spectrum utilization is inefficient in conventional mobile system since each channel serves only one customer at a time. | The cellular system improves efficiency by three approaches The allocated frequency band is divided into maximum number off channels The allocated frequency band is reused in different geographic locations.Using Spread spectrum or frequency hopped technique, many codes are generated over a wide frequency band. |
Conventional mobile telephone systems use single carrier frequency leading to half duplex .i.e., one way communication. | Cellular mobile phones provides full duplex i.e., two way communication |
Conventional Mobile systems use a high power transmitters to cover large areas | Cellular mobile system uses low power transmitters to cover the same area. |
Conventional mobile systems experiences the problem like spectral congestion and user capacity. | Cellular system solves this problem by providing high user capacity relatively within the limited spectrum of frequency. |
Conventional systems are not widely used due to its high cost and limited availability. | Cellular systems offer more availability and low cost. |
Conventional systems cover only a smaller area. | Cellular systems cover large area. |
In conventional system, the capacity is increased by increasing RF. | In mobile system, the mobile unit capacity is maximized without increasing RF. |
Conventional systems do not maintain privacy. | Cellular systems maintain privacy. |
Advantages of Cellular systems over conventional mobile systems

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