Saturday, July 27, 2024
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What are Template Tags in WordPress? How to Use Template Tags

In wordpress if you are developing new or custom wordpress theme or wordpress plugin then you need to know what are template tags and...

Create QR Code for Pages & Post using Plugin in WordPress

On your wordpress website if you want to generate qr code for pages and posts and want to use qr code functionality to your...

Add Google Search Console HTML File Upload on WordPress

If you are trying to verify your WordPress website with google search console with html file upload method of your WordPress website then you...

How Do I Add Google Search Console Verification HTML Tag in WordPress?

If you are on wordpress website and wondering how to keep search console html verification html file and verify google search console then its...

Why WordPress Too Many Redirects After URL Change

If you are getting too many redirects error on your WordPress website after changing url then there is an issue with the htaccess redirection...

Change Author URL in WordPress and Base Author URL

On your WordPress by default WordPress comes with url slug /author/author-name and all author posts written by the author will be displayed here...

WordPress Install Plugin Without FTP

If you are having WordPress website then you need to install plugins at some point and if you don't have access to ftp then...

Fix WordPress Not Working With PHP 8 Update?

If you have updated wordpress to the latest version and your wordpress website is not working after updating php then there is an issue...

How to Highlight Text in WordPress Posts and Pages

If you are on WordPress and wondering how to highlight text with yellow color to display important pieces of text in your content then...

How To Add or Link Email Address In WordPress Posts or Pages

If you want to link an email address with your wordpress on your posts are pages then you can easily do that and creating...

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