A graph search control strategy might explore many equivalent paths in producing a database containing only M’s.
Redundant Paths can lead to inefficiencies because the...
Properties of Commutative production system
An irrevocable control regime can always be used in a commutative system because the application of a rule never needs...
The following are the types of production systems.
Forward Production Systems:
A Production system in which starting from an initial state moving towards the goal state...
Overall computation cost of AI Production System:
Rule application cost and control strategy cost together constitutes to the over all computation cost of AI production...
Operations of AI production system
The operation of AI production system can thus be characterized as a search process in which rules are tried until...
Description of Problems in AI consists of 4 states as below
1) State Space
2) Initial State
3) Final State
4) Operators
State Space
State space: The state space is...